Menopause will happen to us all if we are fortunate to live long enough.
Being prepared for menopause has been shown to help women cope with the changes and also supports them to ask for the help that they need if that time comes.
Understanding what menopause means for the female body means that you can get your house in order before it arrives.
Here are a few ways to prepare your body for the changes associated with menopause.
If you are post-menopause this still applies. It is never too late to make positive changes.
Lower the amount of processed carbohydrates that you eat eg biscuits, cake, crackers, bread, sweets, etc.
Increase your protein intake.
Increase the number of vegetables you eat eg green and brightly coloured vegetables.
Lower alcohol consumption.
Increase daily movement.
Start or continue lifting heavy things.
Add some 'fitness appropriate' high-intensity intervals into your exercise sessions.
Make time to rest and relax no matter what.
Make time to spend with the people you enjoy.
Have more fun!
Learn everything you can about menopause and talk to all of your female friends about it and your daughters even if they are only just starting their periods.
These are changes that you can work on as you head through your late 30s, into your 40s and beyond. Looking after ourselves after years of looking after everyone else is so important for our mental and physical health as we age. Menopause is not the beginning of the end, but it is the beginning of the last 1/3 of our life and that 1/3 of our life deserves to be filled with health, joy and vibrant wellness.

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Melanie Briony is a fitness and lifestyle coach who supports midlife women (over 40) as they move into the peri and post-menopause years. This is a huge time of change for a woman, nothing is as it used to be. The restrictive diets and hard exercise regimes that worked in your 30s just won’t cut it anymore. Melanie is here to show you how your changing hormones are impacting on your body and what you can do to take back the reins and bring about positive change. At midlife, a woman has to learn how to work ‘with’ her body. This includes - managing stress, eating the right foods at the right time, sleeping longer, saying no more often and taking back her power. “You are not about to disappear into the mist of old age, you have the strength and courage to move through this transition and come out the other side as a stronger and wiser version of you”. Contact Melanie to find out more about how she can support you.