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Fit Women & Menopause

Writer's picture: Melanie BrionyMelanie Briony

What have you done for yourself that has improved how you feel at midlife?

Just take a minute to imagine this scenario.

You have been fit and healthy all of your life, eaten the good foods, taken the good exercise and generally been happy with your body and how you fit into clothes.

Suddenly one day you wake up and realise that some of the clothes you love don't fit very well anymore and the exercise you have been participating in for years feels twice as hard and you hardly feel recovered before your next session is due.

You try dieting but the weight keeps on creeping on and to top it off, you are not sleeping very well at all and you are grumpy more of the time than you are happy.

This sounds like a nightmare really doesn't it, but this is what so many 'healthy' fit women go through during perimenopause/the menopause transition.

Woman running

I am writing this post about fit women because I believe there is a misconception that 'fit' women won't struggle with menopause symptoms, but this simply isn't true. Saying this though, we absolutely know for sure that exercise and eating well do help with managing menopause symptoms and have a hugely positive effect on the health of women at midlife and beyond.

If you are over the age of 40, this could be you already (and for some women this occurs sooner), please don't suffer in silence. Menopause Hormone Therapy can and does change lives when administered for the right reasons by a doctor who is highly experienced in menopause. This doesn't mean it is the only option for you to feel better, a highly trained naturopath or herbalist can also assist you with many of the symptoms associated with menopause.

Things you can do for yourself to improve menopause symptoms and weight gain.

  • Drink less alcohol

  • Eat less refined carbohydrates

  • Exercise regularly

  • Take time out to rest and recover often

  • Eat more vegetables & fruit

  • Choose high-quality sources of protein and eat at every meal and snack

  • Eat regular meals

  • Avoid fasting especially if you are highly active

  • See your doctor or naturopath for support and guidance

  • Work on improving gut health

  • Prioritise sleep every day

  • Make time for the things that you love

  • Remember that saying 'no' is a full sentence

Melanie Briony is a fitness and lifestyle coach who supports midlife women (over 40) as they move into the peri and post-menopause years. This is a huge time of change for a woman, nothing is as it used to be. The restrictive diets and hard exercise regimes that worked in your 30s just won’t cut it anymore. Melanie is here to show you how your changing hormones are impacting on your body and what you can do to take back the reins and bring about positive change. At midlife, a woman has to learn how to work ‘with’ her body. This includes - managing stress, eating the right foods at the right time, sleeping longer, saying no more often and taking back her power. “You are not about to disappear into the mist of old age, you have the strength and courage to move through this transition and come out the other side as a stronger and wiser version of you”. Contact Melanie to find out more about how she can support you.


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© 2023 by Melanie Briony - Fitness & Lifestyle Coach

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