Have you wanted to try an ice bath but your brain is sounding a very loud alarm that so far has stopped you?
Let me tell you a little secret (not really a secret)
You body is entirely repulsed by the cold simply because the cold can kill very quickly if we don't understand and respect what we are playing with.
Human skin has more receptors for cold than it does for heat. This is a very important survival adaptation that ensures humans have a healthy fear of the cold. This fear is what save us from plunging into ice cold water without a care in the world, but it is also what stops us from embracing measured amounts of cold even though in most cases this type of cold exposure will not threaten our survival and may in-fact improve our health.
"Modern man rarely has to face the cold like our predecessors once did. We have air-conditioning, thermal clothing and shoes, insulated homes, and heated offices and cars. But the thing is, cold in the right dose is actually good for us"

Me learning to be an ice bath coach Sydney
Forgotten cold
Modern man rarely has to face the cold like our predecessors once did. We have air-conditioning, thermal clothing and shoes, insulated homes, and heated offices and cars. But the thing is, cold in the right dose is actually good for us. I know! Who would have thought?
The history of ice baths and cold exposure
Humans have known the benefits of ice baths and cold exposure for centuries. Think about the saunas and cold plunges undertaken in nordic countries. The Russian Banya took steam baths followed by a plunge into cold water or snow. The ancient Chinese believed that exposure to cold water could help balance the body's energy and promote healing. Japan's oldest and still most practiced nature-based religion, Shinto is known for its practices called misogi or "cold water purification".
Weight loss and ice baths
Weight loss is one of the most quoted benefit of ice baths, but really this is a complex topic. Cold exposure may increase brown and beige fat in the body which may support weight loss as a result of brown and beige fat using white fat for energy. As with all things humans and science, this is not as straight forward as it sounds.
Cold exposure may improve insulin sensitivity which may support weight loss when undertaken in conjunction with a healthy diet.
Self empowerment/resilience
I put this one close to the top because I think it is one of the most powerful benefits of all. Doing hard things builds grit and determination. When you take the plunge and do something you never thought you could, you are showing yourself that you can face challenges head on. Every time we face a challenge head on and succeed, we boost our confidence and belief in ourselves. The cold is a powerful tool for self awareness and personal growth.
Mental health benefits
Cold water immersion has been shown to increase the release of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine works as both a neurotransmitter and hormone that helps mobilise the brain for action and can improve energy and attentiveness, increases arousal and alertness, promotes vigilance, enhance formation and retrieval of memory, and focus attention. It is important to understand that you need just the right amount of norepinephrine as too little may lead to depression and too much may lead to anxiety.
Cold shock proteins
Cold shock proteins are stress proteins that are activated by cold exposure. These help cells regenerate, support the immune system, improve your resilience to stress and even protect your brain. Cold shock proteins have been shown to decrease inflammation and boost the immune system.
Immune system boost
Once again this is more complex than it sounds and research is still discovering and understanding how cold exposure can boost the immune system. One study in the Netherlands found that people who switched to cold showers for 30, 60, or 90 seconds for 90 days called out sick from work 29% less than people who didn't switch to cold showers. The minimum effective dose was 30 seconds.
Good stress
Stress is a buzz word these days, but we actually need stress in the right dose in order to grow, physically, mental, and emotionally. When cold exposure is delivered at the right temperature for the participant, for the right amount of time, with the right recovery strategy, it is in fact a powerful tool that can help our body handle all the other, not so positive stress in life. We cannot escape stress but we can become more stress tolerant. Have a read about hormesis - A beneficial effect arising from exposure to a very small amount of a toxic substance (Collins Dictionary). Like I mentioned - the right amount of cold, for the right amount of time can have a positive effect.
These are just a few of the many benefits that ice baths have to offer.
I love talking about the benefits of ice baths and cold exposure but what about the risks?
Before jumping into your first ice bath is it important to understand that medical clearance should be sought out if you are experiencing or have been diagnosed with any of the following.
- Heart conditions
- High blood pressure
- Raynaud's Disease
- Cold urticaria (cold allergy)
- Migraine
- Epilepsy
- Pregnancy
- Recent operations
Cold can be fatal, so be cautious and always face the cold in a controlled way. This means starting slowly in a cold shower for 30 seconds to begin with, building up to longer duration and slowly decreasing the temperature over time.
Avoid taking an ice bath alone - the last thing you need is to experience severe after drop or hypothermia when alone.
Longer in the cold does not always equal greater benefits. Learn about after drop and hypothermia to fully educate yourself on the risks of uncontrolled cold exposure.
Everyone is different so don't let someone else's cold experience determine how you experience the cold. Listen to your body always.
Choose a certified and insured ice bath coach who understands your individual needs.
Have fun!
Respect the cold, listen to your body and have fun with the experience. Getting into the cold is something most people won't do, you are an amazing human for doing something tough and facing the cold.
I run breathwork and cold water immersion workshops for beginners and intermediate level participants. You can find my next workshops HERE.
If you have any questions, pleas contact me HERE.
To your greatest health.
Melanie Briony.

Melanie Briony - Fitness & Lifestye Coach. Strong Like A Woman