I wanted to be really honest here and say that sometimes it is really non of your business to be following a weight loss plan.
So why would I say this?
You will have noticed that so many diet plans for women are 1200 calories per day - but what about nutrients? A very well thought out 1200 calorie plan may just about give you the nutrients you need, but what about if you deviate and replace some of your calories with wine, chocolate, or some other yummy food that you want in your life? It is hard to imagine malnutrition in Australia in 2023, but if a woman is dieting on and off throughout their adult life (think a 'LOT' of women) how on earth are we able to nourish our bodies? Chronic dieting can lead to muscle loss, and bone loss and compromise your mental health.
You muscles, bones and brain need high-quality, nourishing foods now more than ever.
In this video I talk to you about why nutrition is important.
This is not the right time in your life to be dieting I am sorry to tell you. Yes, you may need to lose weight for health reasons, but truthfully you'd be much better placed to focus on the quality of your nutrition first. Added to this you need to make sleep a priority. And while we are here, how well are you managing stress?
YOUR MUSCLES, BONES, AND BRAIN NEED HIGH-QUALITY, NOURISHING FOODS NOW MORE THAN EVER. Rather than dieting for weight loss, now is the right time to optimise your diet, exercise program, and lifestyle for the best health of your life.
If not now then when?
Send me a message to find out how I can support you to effectively build muscle in a safe way, how to optimise your sleep, and how to lower your stress levels.
