I don't know about you, but I feel like this year has flown past and I have no idea where it's gone. Looking around me I have really noticed so many women are exhausted as this year comes to an end. How are you feeling? On top of everything that life demands, perimenopause/menopause hormone changes can add a whole other dimension of challenges. For this reason, one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to learn how to rest. But how on earth do we do this I hear you say?
I know it can seem impossible, but women really need to make time for themselves. Why do we prioritise everything but ourselves? You may still have children at home and ageing parents who need you more and more. You may be at the height of your career or under lots of pressure in the workplace. If you do have children at home, there is a good chance they are teenagers who are anything but considerate of your needs. In the middle of all of this, how are you really feeling?
Do you actively rest when you are tired?
What does resting look like for you?
Do you make time just for yourself?
Are you comfortable with stopping?
You may be wondering what this conversation has to do with your fitness. We all know how important exercise is for our health, but feeling exhausted is hardly inspiring you to get out there and make it happen. Add perimenopause/menopause symptoms to the mix and you probably have exercise at the very bottom of your' things to do' list. If this is you, what can you do to get your 'exercise mo-jo' back again?
The more exhausted you feel, the less likely you are to get the exercise that you need
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Why Bother?
As we get older, looking after our health becomes more of a priority. Menopause changes mean that women are sudden at greater risk of cardiovascular disease as a result of diminishing oestrogen levels. Our bone health is declining for the same reason and our overall strength is changing year on year. The only way we can ensure that we will remain mobile as we age is through purposeful and planned movement.
Now let’s go back to feeling exhausted, how inclined are you to get out and move when you feel this way? The more exhausted you feel, the less likely you are to get the exercise that you need. By making yourself a priority and taking time to rest and recover, you are saying ‘yes’ to your physical health and wellness more often.
Sleep, Elusive Sleep.
One of the most challenging symptoms of peri menopause and menopause is diminishing sleep quality and quantity. This means that sleep needs to be a priority if you want to improve your energy levels.
Junk food leads to junk sleep. Now is the time to clean up your diet by focusing on a whole-food Mediterranean style approach.
Alcohol disrupts sleep quality and duration. Find ways to minimise alcohol intake.
Ongoing stress leads to overstimulation of the ‘fight or flight’ system. Eventually this can lead to feelings of extreme exhaustion. How can you lower the stress load in your life?
Devices down
Digital devices rule our world. Learning how to take time away from devices can lower stress and improve sleep.
Time in nature is a delightful and soothing antidote to stress. A gentle walk on the beach or in a park can do wonders to lower stress levels and improve sleep quality.
How can you experience more joy? Joy is the antidote to stress. Less stress = better sleep and more energy for all important movement.
How does it feel carrying all that noise around in your head all day? Journaling is a powerful tool for unloading stress. You can choose any topic you like to write about, but get it all out and feel the relief of letting go!
Exercise Is Important
You don’t need me to tell you that exercise is important, you already know it is. You also know everything else I have shared above, so why are you still choosing to put everything else first? Maybe this is a topic for you to journal about? I would love to hear what comes up for you if you choose to take up this suggestion. Whatever you do, choose yourself first and watch your energy levels and desire to move improve.
Are you ready to give yourself a big kick up the butt? Want help getting back into a regular health and fitness routine? I help women just like you to understand how to eat better, move better and think better, so that you can have the energy levels, fitness and strength that you need and deserve. Send me a message to find out more.
Personal training is now available as gym-based sessions at Bennets Green. No gym membership or additional fees. The session price is the only cost to you.
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