Every year, spring - springs us into action. The diet businesses go crazy and we feel empowered to strip off those extra winter kilos.
The thing is, should we really launch ourselves into a 'dieting' phase just because it is spring?
The diet industry has lead us to believe that as long as we eat fewer calories and move more that we will lose weight without too much trouble. The thing is, this gets so many women into trouble because it fails to look at a person's entire life.
If you are not sleeping very well, have a hectic schedule and are feeling run down, cutting calories in a substantial way is simply adding more pressure to an already boiling pressure cooker of stress.
Does this mean that you should just go on doing things the way that you have for the last several months?
By addressing the foundations of health, you provide your body with the support system it needs when it comes to cutting calories and losing weight.
Absolutely not, but the best place to begin is by addressing the stress in your life and looking at ways to improve your overall wellness.
This could look like the following:
Addressing areas of stress in your life that you do have control over
Finding ways to improve your sleep
Eat more green and brightly coloured vegetables
Do things that make you feel happy and relaxed
Get out in nature and exercise
Switch off social media more often
Search out an experienced nutritionist or dietitian to support you
Pursue relaxing movement like Yin Yoga or stretching classes
Take a good look at your mindset, is it helping or hindering your efforts?

By addressing the foundations of health, you provide your body with the support system it needs when it comes to cutting calories and losing weight.
Yes, calorie restriction does work, but it is stressful for us and our bodies, so the better prepared we are, the more successful we are likely to be.
Spring has sprung, use your renewed energy to address the areas of your life that are no longer working in your favour.

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