Who here wants to feel better, sleep better, have more energy and have better relationships with those around them? When women come to work with me in my coaching program, this is exactly what they are looking for. What if I told you there is a simple tool that can help to transform your health after 40? Would you give it a try for just 10 minutes 2 x per day?
Some common complaints I hear from my clients are:
I have no energy for......
I find it hard to motivate myself to.....
I am so tired all the time.
I'm not sleeping very well.
I am struggling with cravings.
I'm finding it hard to lose weight.
Menopause sux but....
Menopause can absolutely suck, but we really need to dig deeper than blaming menopause for all of our problems after the age of 40. Don't get me wrong, I am not dismissing your experience with menopause and I highly recommend you see your GP if you are struggling, but so many of the problems we are experiencing are connected to chronic stress and the resulting lifestyle choices.
Ahhhh....I can't take any more
So many of us are experiencing chronic stress and we don't even know it. Stress and burnout are so pervasive in our society that it's almost accepted as 'normal'. But the thing is, all of the symptoms above can be a sign of pushing too hard and expecting too much from our body.I always say this to my clients "you can only expect to get out what you put in". We don't expect our car to run without fuel or run smoothly without being serviced, but we expect this from our body. Thankfully our bodies are very forgiving but only for so long. Eventually we find ourselves with unexplained symptoms, injuries and illness if we continue to ignore the signs.
Stress impacts everything
Some of the signs of chronic stress include everything listed in points 1-6 above and more. In addition, many women experience worsening menopause symptoms due to the impact stress has on our already fluctuating and diminishing hormones. If there was ever a time to take change of your health it's now.
Managing Stress Can Transform Your Health After 40
If the crux of all the above complaints is stress, it makes sense to learn how to not only 'manage' stress, but to blow it out of the water. But how on earth can you do this?
Stress management is a catch-22 situation
Chronic dieting:
Chronic dieting and poor food choices are stressful for your body. Eating regular meals, eating wholesome food and eating enough for your needs can change how you feel and how much energy you have to live life. But if you have no energy this can feel like the hardest hurdle to leap over. At some point you have to make the decision to step out of this negative cycle if you want to give your body a fighting chance.
Sleep disruption:
The same applies to sleep. Falling asleep and staying asleep can feel impossible and the resulting fatigue can be debilitating leading to poor food choices and a lack of motivation to exercise. But exercise is one of the most effective tools for improving sleep, increasing energy levels and mood.
Cravings are a good indication of imbalance in the body. What is your body asking for? Have you ever taken time to stop and listen? Cravings can be the result of sleep deprivation, resulting poor food choices and blood sugar imbalance as a result of poor food choices and a lack of exercise.
It's time to stop and breathe
You may find what I am about to share difficult to believe because it really is very simple. When you take time to stop, listen and hear what your body has to say, you really can change how you feel in all areas of your life. When you add the practice of inner awareness to balanced and purposeful breathing you can fundamentally change how well your body tolerates stress. Heart resonance frequency breathing, also known as coherence breathing or heart coherence breathing, is a breathwork practice aimed at achieving a state of heart rate variability (HRV) coherence. This state is characterised by a harmonious and efficient interaction between the heart and the brain, which can lead to various physical and mental health benefits.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a crucial indicator of overall health and well-being, reflecting the adaptability and resilience of the autonomic nervous system. Higher HRV is associated with better cardiovascular health, improved stress resilience, and overall longevity. Scientific research shows us that when practiced daily, this simple breathwork technique can significantly increase HRV.
Breathwork practice
Practicing coherence breathing for just 10 minutes twice a day can make a big difference in how you feel physically and emotionally as a result of its positive influence on HRV. It has been shown to significantly reduce stress and anxiety, help with focus and clear thinking, and increase your ability to manage emotions. It may also help lower blood pressure and boosts your immune system. This simple practice promotes a balanced autonomic nervous system, supporting your overall physical and psychological well-being.
Let's begin
You can find a full video HERE
Start in a seated upright position where you are comfortable.
Begin by becoming aware of your body and noticing how you feel.
Are you aware of feelings or sensations in your body?
Notice the air coming in and out of your nose - how does it feel.
Continue breathing in and out of your nose, staying with the awareness of any feelings or sensations in your body.
Once again, notice the air coming in and out of your nose.
Now I want you to start counting the length of your inhale and exhale in seconds.
Slowly work up to breathing in for 5 seconds and out for 5 seconds.
You want the breath to be as smooth as possible on both the inhale and the exhale.
Stay with this Breathing for as long as you can.
In for 5 seconds - out for 5 seconds.
Start by practicing for 5minutes 2 x per day, working up to 10 minutes 2 x per day.
Enjoy the balanced breathing (coherence breathing) session I shared above and send me a message to let me know how you felt after the experience. Give yourself the gift of 15-minutes, grab your headphones and find somewhere quiet to sit comfortably and tune in. If you'd like to learn how to be a better breather send me a message. You can also join one of my upcoming workshops, follow this link to check out my upcoming timetable.
Breathwork is a powerful tool for change. Are you ready to feel different?
Mel x
